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A. The Sun Select program is designed for customers who support renewable energy but are unable to install solar panels on their home or business: maybe they live in multi-family housing, 或者他们的命运太阴暗了, or they rent a home.

A. Your monthly Tampa Electric bill will include your subscribed solar portion as its own line item with a solar charge. Tampa Electric then removes the fuel charge for the solar portion of your bill.

A. Your monthly Tampa Electric bill will include your subscribed solar portion as its own line item with a solar charge. Tampa Electric then removes the fuel charge for the solar portion of your bill.

A. Rooftop solar requires installing your own solar panels on your roof. Sun Select operates on a shared model – using massive solar arrays built and maintained by Tampa Electric – so that you can enjoy solar power while we do all the work and maintenance.

A. 现在每个人都可以享受太阳能. Sun Select is shared – so you can participate without installing and maintaining solar panels of your own – regardless of whether you rent, 拥有或居住在阴凉的地方. There's no equipment to install, no upfront costs and no long-term contract. Plus, when you sign up, you lock in a portion of your rate and avoid fluctuating fuel costs for the portion of your energy that's solar. You can also feel good about supporting a form of electricity generation that is cleaner and safer for the environment and our community.

A. Both residential and commercial (business) customers can participate:

  • 住宅及小型企业客户 可以购买本地生产的太阳能达到25%吗, 50%甚至100%的电力.
  • 大型企业或商业客户 可以选择以1的增量购买太阳能吗,000 kilowatt-hours (kWh) – as few or as many as needed but cannot exceed monthly usage. For example, 如果12个月的平均月使用量是9,500 kWh, 你不能购买超过9个,000 kWh.

A. You're ineligible to participate if you're a residential customer who has:

  • Budget Billing customers will be eligible to enroll at the end of July 2019
  • Energy Planner
  • 单独计费的照明帐户
  • 在家里安装太阳能电池板

You're ineligible to participate if you're a commercial/business customer who has:

  • 备用发电机服务
  • Time of use rate
  • GSLM-3 standby rider
  • 单独计费的照明帐户
  • 太阳能电池板是你的生意

A. 十大网赌靠谱网址平台提供约2个,在佛罗里达州中西部,000平方英里, 覆盖了希尔斯堡县的大部分地区和波尔克的部分地区, 帕斯科和皮内拉斯县. For new customers 看看你是不是在十大国际老虎机平台的服务区.

A. In order to keep our bills as simple and easy to understand, and to increase accessibility to solar for customers who are unable to install solar on their rooftop, we are not offering Sun Select to customers with their own solar panels at this time. 查看这个页面了解更多 how to install your own solar panels.

A. Solar power generated through the Sun Select shared solar sites goes directly to the local power grid, 为整个社区提供清洁能源, 包括你的家或公司. This directly reduces the amount of energy that is generated at our traditional power plants. 通过您的持续支持, we hope solar and renewable energy sources will become a larger part of the overall energy grid in the Tampa Bay area and surrounding communities.


A. Solar power is the conversion of energy from sunlight into electricity – through solar photovoltaic arrays – without pollution or emissions. 了解更多十大网赌靠谱网址平台如何使用太阳能的信息 to serve you.

A. Unlike electricity generation that relies on the burning of fossil fuels releasing carbon emissions into the air, solar energy is pollution-free and carbon-free – which is why it is called "clean energy." Solar power is renewable because it comes from an energy source that is virtually nondepletable.

A. Tampa Electric helps the environment in many ways, but here are two examples:

  • By 2021, nearly 7% of our energy generation will come from the sun – providing the community with clean, pollution-free energy, 足以为100多人供电,1万户家庭用上清洁能源. Tampa Electric is providing more solar power per customer than any other utility in Florida and is one of the top three utilities in the southeast United States. Check out our large-scale solar projects that deliver clean energy to your home or business.
  • Tampa Electric's reclaimed water project at Polk Power Station won an Edison Award, 电力行业最负盛名的荣誉. This innovative project has the capacity to reclaim 17 million gallons of water, keeping this water from reaching Tampa Bay and reducing Polk Power Station's use of groundwater for plant operations.

A. We are currently constructing ten large-scale solar facilities to bring solar energy to our customers, bringing in more jobs for men and women in our local communities during construction – and hiring and training employees to oversee the maintenance of the solar arrays. Tampa Electric as a whole employs over 3,000 men and women in the West Central Florida area.

TECO (Tampa Electric and Peoples Gas) employees volunteer more than 30,每年在十大国际老虎机平台的社区中投入1000小时. Tampa Electric and Peoples Gas sponsor many community organizations. Their philanthropy extends to education and youth programs, growth and innovation, 健康,幸福和文化活力.

A. Studies show that customers like to frequent businesses that give back to the community. Sustainable and environmentally friendly business is increasingly a selling point for customers – and it sets you apart from other businesses.


A. All our solar facilities are located here in West Central Florida. Our latest include four in Hillsborough County and six in Polk County. These are in addition to our solar arrays at Tampa International Airport, 佛罗里达乐高乐园和阿波罗海滩的大本德太阳能. 了解更多关于太阳能项目的信息, amount of power generated, and carbon emissions saved at each location.

A. The amount of energy generated varies from one solar facility to the next, based on size of the facility and weather conditions in the area. When complete in 2021, altogether Tampa Electric's solar sites will generate more than 600 megawatts total – 足以为100多人供电,000 homes. Tampa Electric's Sun Select site located at Lake Hancock will generate enough solar energy to power about 2,750 homes.

A. 十大网赌靠谱网址平台已经建造了17座.5 megawatts of solar at our Lake Hancock Solar facility in West Central Florida to support Sun Select solar energy purchases.

A. Sun Select solar facilities are owned by Tampa Electric Company and built by contractors we hire. Our contractors employ local workers to take part in the construction of the facilities.

A. Tampa Electric is hiring and training engineers and technicians to oversee the maintenance of the solar arrays. Additionally, we are learning how to forecast how weather impacts solar generation and how we can make solar more dispatchable through existing and future technology, 包括电池储存.

A. Tampa Electric uses photovoltaic (PV) cells that absorb and convert sunlight into electricity.

A. Once the program has been up and running for a few months, we plan to host an open house at our Lake Hancock Sun Select facility for participants to see the solar arrays that are providing solar power to the grid that supports their home or business. Details will be announced to participating customers in the near future.


A. The Sun Select program includes a small Sun Select solar charge, based on usage, 这笔钱用于建造和维护太阳能发电厂. Over time, it is about the same cost as installing solar panels on your roof. In exchange, fuel charges are waived for the same portion of use.

For example:
A residential or small business customer who participates in Sun Select will no longer incur a fuel charge of about 2.9 cents to 3.9 cents per kWh. 相反,它们会被收取a 固定太阳选择太阳能充电 of 6.3 cents per kWh.

A residential or small business customer who chooses to replace 100 percent of their electricity bill with solar from Sun Select will see an increase of about $1 per day. (按每月1000千瓦时电费计算.)

选择更换的住宅客户 50 percent of their electricity bill with solar from Sun Select will see an increase of about 50 cents per day. (按每月1000千瓦时电费计算.)

A. 大型商业客户将被收取100美元 固定太阳选择太阳能充电 of 6.3 cents per kWh for the amount of solar purchased from Sun Select, 此外,有关的燃油费用将获豁免. For the portion of their energy that comes from traditional power plants, 典型的燃油收费仍将适用.

A. 住宅及小型企业客户 can elect to have 25%, 50% or 100% of their total electricity come from solar energy. Larger commercial and business customers can purchase solar in increments of 1,000千瓦时-根据需要或多或少, 取决于它们的平均使用量.

A. 一开始,你不会省钱. Just like installing rooftop panels, this program is an investment in renewable energy. Over time, Sun Select does have the potential to save long-term fuel costs. This program works best for customers with a strong support of renewable energy. 如果你想在账单上省钱, we offer several energy-saving programs like our free Energy Audit and Energy Planner that can help you manage your energy costs. 了解更多关于所有这些程序.


A. 当然不是——你所需要做的就是注册.

A. No, there are no upfront costs or fees, nor are there any fees associated with leaving the program.

A. 没有长期合同或承诺. Try it out and see for yourself if Sun Select is right for you. 如果没有,您可以随时取消.

A. You will receive an email indicating your subscription level. 在你注册后第一个月的账单上, you will see an important message on your bill indicating your participation in the program. Your Sun Select solar purchase will reflect on the second billing period after you enroll.

A. 没有长期合同或承诺, so you may cancel anytime.

A. 十大国际老虎机平台有一个方便的等候名单, once you join, will alert you via email when there is solar available for subscription. 如果您是自助服务,您将被引导到等候名单. If you call 813-275-3909, a Tampa Electric customer representative will place you on the Sun Select wait list.

A. 取消太阳精选计划不收取任何费用, but please be aware that if you cancel and want to reenroll, you will be placed on a waiting list if the program is fully subscribed when you attempt to reenroll.

A. Absolutely. 只需登录到您的帐户并提交更改, 或致电十大网赌靠谱网址平台的能源管理服务, 周一至周五上午8点至下午5点. 请注意,如果程序已满, your increase may be waitlisted until we build more Sun Select shared solar sites or availability opens up.

A. Your Sun Select subscription stays with you as long as you are relocating within the Tampa Electric service area.

关于其他可再生能源 & Community Programs

A. If you plan to install solar panels of your own, check out our information on connecting your solar 坦帕电网.
If you are hosting an event in the Tampa area and need green energy to power it, consider our Sun to Go program. This is another option if you already have solar panels of your own.

A. In further support of clean energy, we're helping our customers transition into electric vehicles.

十大国际老虎机平台也以受欢迎,免费, Manatee Viewing Center, 蝴蝶园和自然栖息地小径, which connect to the 佛罗里达保护和技术中心 and were built in partnership with the Florida Aquarium and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.
